I am currently 11 weeks and 2 days and my belly is starting to show (barely) already! I didn't realize I would start showing so fast, but other moms say that it's normal for the second, especially when having them close together. But my belly is far from looking pregnant. It just looks like I ate too much! When I was pregnant with Wyatt I started showing somewhere around 3 1/2 months to 4 months. I had also gained 4 pounds the first trimester with Wyatt, but with this one I am still down 5 pounds since becoming pregnant (but I know that will quickly catch up, especially since I eat a bowl of ice cream almost night!)
Here is a picture of the belly at 11.2 weeks...
My little baby belly!
I tell Wyatt sometimes that there is a baby in my tummy and when I put my hand on my tummy he likes to do the same. It's really sweet (: I want Wyatt to know his brother or sister before they make their arrival like it is his baby too.
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