What's been going on with us lately? Well let me tell you...
Keniann is growing super fast. At her two month appointment yesterday, she weighed 11 pounds and 3 oz. I can't believe how time flies when you have a second child! She is doing much better now that I am completely off of diary and soy. She has been smiling and cooing up a storm! I love the way she smiles (: When she smiles, her mouth opens up really wide with her tongue moving around, it's the cutest thing (: It's like she uses her entire face to smile. And just since last week she has also been able to hold her head up really well when laying on her stomach.
Daniel is starting the job interviewing process. His boss and family are moving to Colorado. We will surely miss them so much! They have been such a blessing to our family!
I don't want to jinx anything but Keniann has been sleeping for a long stretch of 6 to 7 hours! She has been doing this since she was 6 weeks old. And when she does wake up the one time around 3 am to eat so goes right back to sleep without rocking her.
Wyatt and I have had some really sweet bonding moments together lately. We both want and appreciate our little time when we do have any to have fun together. I try to make sure as much as possible that I get that time with him, but sometimes it's difficult when Kenainn has her days where she needs me for most of the day.
I'm looking forward to Christmas coming up! Yep, I'm one of those people who love the 24 hour Christmas music on the radio.
We are preparing to move to Baton Rouge! The home belongs to Daniel's great grandfather. This isn't definete yet, but for now we are moving in that direction. We hope to move in sometime within the next couple of months. I'm just looking forward to being right next to the grocery store instead of having to drive 20 minutes like I do now. Also it will be good fo the kids because there is so much for them to do there! The only downside is that I will be a little further from my mom ): But atleast she is forty to forty five minutes away.