Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Big Brother loving his little sister

Wyatt has been such a caring big brother to Keniann, it really melts my heart to watch (:   He is really concerned about her when she fusses.  He also asks where baby is at when he wakes up to see that she isn't up just yet.  He has his jealous moments of course (tantrums included), but nothing out of the ordinary.  He loves putting her paci in her mouth and throwing away her diapers.

Wyatt giving Keniann her paci

giving Keniann a kiss (:

My sweet girl (:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Keniann's first bath and Wyatt's first boat ride

Keniann had her first bath a couple of weeks ago and loved it!  She sits there as calm as she can be.  You can really tell that she enjoys it.  Wyatt likes watching her take her bath too! 
Wyatt took his first boat ride this weekend at my friends camp.  It took some time for him to enjoy it, but he eventually loved riding in the boat just as much as he loves riding the tractor with Daniel.  We got him a life jacket that will fit him until he is 30 pounds, which he will use for quite some time.  It looked adorable on him, but he didn't think so (:

Wyatt and I bathing Keniann

Sweet baby girl!

Look at those rolls and chubby cheeks!

Me and my babies (:

Ready to ride

Wyatt loved riding in the boat with his daddy

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Keniann's photo session

A friend that goes to my church (Grace) took some AMAZING photos of Keniann.  These pictures were taken a week after she was born.  Keniann was a tropper!  She slept most of the time while her pictures were taken (:  Here are just a few of my favorites...

Here is a link to her blog/website  http://www.http//  Enjoy (:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

An update

Sorry it is taken me awhile since my last post, just had a baby ya know!  It's been a very fast three weeks and two days since Keniann was born.  Wyatt is adjusting beautifully!  He gives his sister kisses (only if I ask him) and doesn't mind her being around.  The only hard part is when both need something at the same time.  If they both want something (depending on what it is) then it's easier to tend to Wyatt first.  But all in all we can't complain here! 
Keniann is starting to have more alert times during the day, especially when she hears her big brother playing.  Her favorite thing is to snuggle against my chest!  Overall she is a very content baby.  I do notice she is alittle lactose intolerant, but nothing compared to what Wyatt was.  I don't have to cut dairy out completely, but I try not to eat much of it.  
We have been blessed by so many family and friends bringing our family dinner!  Thanks to everyone!  Luckily I haven't had to cook in three weeks and we still have food till next week!  My mom and Daniel's mom were a HUGE help!  They both took turns coming over all day during our first two weeks home.   
I could go on and on, but I am running out of time.  I have to make the most of my time when both babies are sleeping (this rarely happens!).  I will leave you with a handful of pictures that I have taken over the past few weeks.  As you can see most of our pictures are of the kids outside, since it's been beautiful weather and both kids love being outside (: