Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter at GiGi's house

We had a great Easter lunch at my Mawmaw's house (GiGi's house) with my family.  Mawmaw fixed a turkey and green beans,  Jennifer fixed asparagus, butter beans, and shrimp pasta salad, my mom fixed a ham and chicken n cheese dip, and I brought twice baked potatoes.  For dessert we had pound cake with strawberries from Mawmaw, mom made a strawberry pie and I made eclair cake.  Everything was so good. I was stuffed!  We had an Easter egg hunt for the kids.  It was a very nice day for a family Easter lunch! 

cousin Abby, Wyatt and cousin Fisher

Wyatt loved riding in the car

Having FUN!

cousin Emily and Wyatt playing

Checking out their Easter candy

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

It's a GIRL!

We found out yesterday we will be having a baby girl!  Here are some pictures of Kenni-Ann Eve Clark (:

She is a healthy baby girl weighing in at 12 ounces.  The ultrasound tech calculated that her birth weight will be more than what Wyatt weighed.  She moved some during the ultrasound, but wasn't as active compared to Wyatt.  She is in breech position where her head is closer to my chest, but she has plenty of time to flip flop. 
My parents and Daniel's mom were with us during the ultrasound.  I am glad that they were able to be with us and see Kenni-Ann for the first time.  Wyatt looked at the screen and probably thought it was a television show because he just starred at it. 
Daniel's mom and my dad were thinking it was a boy so they were surprised.  Daniel has said it was a girl from the get go and I have said boy, but I was only saying that so I wouldn't be heart broken it wasn't a girl.  I still can't believe we will have a daughter!  I am going to try not to go crazy with buying cute girl things, but it will be hard because there are so many!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

19 weeks today and a lesson on God's Grace

My baby belly!

I am officially 19 weeks today!  This pregnancy is really flying by compared to being pregnant the first time around.  Maybe it's because I'm so busy running around chasing Wyatt everyday (btw he has started running instead of walking lately!).
This pregnancy is different emotionally for me.  I have struggled with lots of worry with this pregnancy, whether I miscarry/have a stillborn or if there is wrong with the baby.  You would think I would be over this and I would know that everything will be fine since I have had a healthy pregnancy already, but for some reason it's worse than the last.  It also didn't help when I woke up in the middle of the night a couple of weeks ago to a really bad headache and some spotting.  It turned out that everything was fine, but I have worried even more since that happened.
I can't help to think of other situations we greatly worry about that can cause emotional distress in our lives.  To name a few:  possibly losing a job, a family member going to war, when a loved one is sick, the list goes on and on.  I have realized that God is using this in my life to draw closer to Him, to trust him that if something does happen He will give me the Grace to walk through it.  This kind of worry is not something that we are supposed to carry. If we do it is literally like putting a heavy weight strapped to your leg when trying to walk.  It drags you down.  God is here to carry our burdens and to lift the weight off of us.  It is trusing God in his control will we find his Grace and Peace. 

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor 12:9

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Beach Trip

This weekend I got to spend time with my girlfriends on a weekend getaway to the beach.  Daniel was so sweet to watch Wyatt while I was gone.  It was very refreshing to have time with my girlfriends and time to relax!  I am so blessed to have a great group of friends(:  There are seven of us that have been best friends since nursing school started.  We were thinking of how many beach trips we have gone on together and this year was trip number eight since 2005.  We stayed in a beach house, which was really nice because it was right on the beach.  We've stayed in both condo and beach house and we prefer the beach houses because it's more private and usually more space. 
We normally go around June, but one of the girls is getting married the first week of June so we had to up our trip a few months.  The temperature was a nice 75 degrees during the day, but the wind was crazy!  Because it was so windy it felt a lot colder.  We were in long pants and sweatshirts during the morning time.  It wasn't until it was closer to  lunch we were able to get into our bathing suits. 
Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures.  I was too lazy (:  But I did get a few shots...

Girls being girls

Going to the beach

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cousin Time

This morning Wyatt was able to play with his cousins at my mom's house.  My mom watches Abby and Emily two days a week so I make a point to bring Wyatt there to play with them atleast every couple of weeks or so.  He really loves playing with them, especially Emily since they are six months apart.  I think he enjoys feeling like a big kid when he is with them.  Emily is very sweet to him because she gives Wyatt toys to play with and likes giving him kisses!  And Abby pushes him around in his car and helps me change his diaper.  I'm so glad that Wyatt will grow up to know his cousins (:

Emily, Wyatt and Abby

trading lovies (:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

We will miss you Mawmaw Berryhill

Daniel's mawmaw died last night.  She suffered a very long battle with cancer.  Please be in prayer during this difficult time for Daniel and his family, thank you!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Farmer's Market, BBQ and good friends

We decided to check out the farmer's market today in Zachary for the first time.  I wasn't all that impressed.  I thought there would be way more vegetables, but Daniel did remind me that it's not quite time yet.  I should know since we just planted our garden.  However, I was excited that there were strawberries and that was a must on my list of things to buy.  I bought half a flat for eight dollars, which wasn't too bad.  There was a dairy farm selling milk and I couldn't pass up a taste test that they were handing out of their milk.  Wow!  I didn't realize how good non-processed milk tasted!  It is absolutely wonderful!  And it was only five dollars, which is cheaper than Borden or Kleinpeiter milk that I usually buy.  Plus I like that is it better than the processed stuff (:  Another neat thing is that the farmer has a little store area in front of his farm that 's near the road where it's open 24/7 to get milk or butter.  He uses the honor system for payment.  That's always a good thing to know if it's 2 am and you need more milk, haha!
Then this afternoon we had a Sunday School appreciation BBQ for all Sunday School teachers.  I'm not sure if I would call myself a Sunday School teacher because my job every Sunday morning during Sunday School is with the babies in the nursery.  I try to read them Bible stories and sing songs, but all Wyatt and his friends play the whole time.  The BBQ was a relaxing time to visit and catch up with people from church.  There was a spacewalk for the kids and plenty of toys to keep all the kids busy.  Wyatt enjoyed his friend Eden, maybe a little too much.  When they were both playing in the play pen he tried to make a move on her and kiss her! He better be careful since she is the preacher's daughter!  I was able to catch a picture of the act.  Wyatt actually turned his face away before he kissed her (good job Wyatt). 

Louisiana strawberries.  Enough said (:

Wyatt and Eden

Wyatt trying to make a move on Eden!  I think this picture is hilarious!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Wyatt's 15 month check-up and nonstop walking!

Wyatt had his 15 month check-up yesterday.  Wyatt was much better than I expected him to be (he got three shots, ouch!).  Not only did he have three shots, but he had to have a finger stick to check iron level and hemoglobin level.  All levels were well thankfully!  Next visit we have only one shot left and then no more until he is four years old!  That sounds great to me and Wyatt (:  I was surprised to see that he only weighs 19 pounds and 11 ounces.  I thought he weighed more than that.  He eats every meal and snack like it's going to be his last.  I would say that the portion size of what he eats comes really close to how much I eat!  The boy can eat, just like his daddy!  Wyatt's length is 30 1/4 inches long.  Doc says that he is where he is suppost to be according to the growth chart.  Plus that's less weight that my big pregnant self has to tote around so that's perfectly fine with me if he is a little guy (:
Another praise report is that Wyatt is starting to feel better since Saturday.  Last night was the first night this week he didn't wake up once crying!  It felt great to wake up this morning.  At first I wasn't sure if Wyatt was coming down with a cold or teething, but my motherly instincts told me that he was teething.  The doc said he looked fine and didn't have an infection, which confirmed that it was teething.  This time he had not one but two bottom teeth come out at the same time, which brings him to a total of eight teeth.
Lastly, Wyatt hasn't stopped practicing walking everyday ever since he started to walk a month ago!  The past few days he has decided he would rather walk than crawl to where he wants to go.  But he is still learning and has some time before he will master walking. 



zipping past the azaleas.  FYI azaleas are a poisonous plant!  Don't worry, I have a careful eye on Wyatt if he is near them (:

I love him so much!