Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Today Daniel and I celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary and what a wonderful four years it has been!  We both agree that every year just keeps getting better and better.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Clark

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bucket List

Before Wyatt was born Daniel and I made up a "baby bucket list" of things to do (things to get done) before he arrived.  One thing on the list was to go out to eat for breakfast atleast once a month, since we knew once the baby were to come it wouldn't be so easy for us to go out for breakfast.  We had several other things on the list, but I can't remember exactly what the other things were. 

I have my own bucket list before Keniann arrives.  Here are some things that are on my bucket list:
1)  Finish CEU's for my RN license (check)
2)  Serious deep cleaning throughout the house
3)  Finish Thank-you letters from shower (check)
4)  Pack everyone (me, Daniel, Wyatt and Keniann) for delivery/hospital stay (half-way check)
5)  Get pedicure (looking forward to this being checked!)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two cute babies around our house

Here are a two different videos of two different babies around our house!

 One is of a baby deer in our front yard that was separated from their momma temporarily.  To me it looks like the baby is lost and trying to find it's mom, but Daniel said that they were only playing.  It's so neat to see all kinds of animals, especially deer, living out here in the country! 
The other video is of Wyatt.  He is the cutest and sweetest boy!  And I have the proof right here (:

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Baby Shower

Thursday night was Keniann's baby shower at my mom's house that was given by my friends from church.  It was a great evening even though it was blazing hot outside!  We had the party inside, but we had the spacewalk for the kiddos that came.  My dad was a real hero monitoring all the kids playing outside while us moms were staying cool inside!  He got a kick out of some kids saying the funniest things to him!

I'm so huge at 34 weeks!

The big belly cake!  It was so delicious!

My and my pregnant buddy Kristi (:  She is 13 weeks

Not really sure about Wyatt's face in this picture?!  I think he was talking

All of the kids sang "Happy Birthday" to Keniann, it was really cute (:

My mawmaw made this beautiful handmade quilt for Keniann.  She is so incredibly talented!

Some of the kids playing in the spacewalk

Thank you Ms. Pat for our spacewalk!