Keniann Eve was born on September 13, 2011 (two days before her due date) at 3:09 am, she was 7 pounds 12.9 oz. and 20 inch long.
Our Labor and Delivery experience this time was very different than Wyatt's. Around 1:15 on that morning, I woke up feeling a few contractions, but they weren't bad. Then fifteen minutes later they were four minutes apart and were very painful so we packed up and headed to the hospital. Every bump that we hit in the road was so incredibly painful! Daniel noticed the intensity and frequency of the contractions were picking up so he decided to put on the flashers and pick up some speed (luckily we didn't get pulled over!). Once we got to the hospital I was about to pass out so the ER front desk lady hurried and put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me to L and D. I was so glad to see my parents there so that they could take Wyatt while Daniel stayed with me in the room. Wyatt was actually in a very playful mood the whole time. He even laughed at me every time I had a contraction, thinking I was being silly!
When the nurse checked me I was four cm at around 2:30 am. I was on the fence this pregnancy on natural labor, but I chickened out and asked for the epidural quickly! Everything was picking up fast (the pain, contractions, me sweating like crazy!) It was only fifteen minutes later I was feeling the urge to push so the nurse checked and I was completely dilated so an epidural wasn't even an option anymore. I was a little panicked, but I knew that there was nothing I could do or they could do at this point. I was so thankful for my nurse! She was a great coach! Poor Daniel was about to pass out in the corner of the room, but he was a big help being there right by my side. Luckily the nurse delivered Keniann because the doctor wasn't there in time since she came so fast (I only pushed twice). I am VERY greatful that my labor wasn't long at all, only two hours!!! Next time we will have to camp out at the hospital a week before my due date!
My nursing school buddies. They drove all the way for New Orleans to see me (: Going home (: Just Beautiful |
Keniann is very laid back baby so far. I am praying that she won't have a dairy and soy allergy like Wyatt had, but so far so good! She is so alert when she hears Wyatt talking and playing. Guess she's used to hearing that noise all day anyways!
Thanks to everyone for your prayers. Hopefully I will be able to post more updates soon (:
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