Saturday, February 5, 2011

Boys will be boys

Here is a video of Wyatt and Daniel playing on our bed just before Wyatt's bedtime.  When Daniel started tossing Wyatt really high in the air or spinning him around on the floor, I didn't like that too much at first (I can't help it, I'm a mom).  I guess it must be a boy thing because Wyatt really loves it when Daniel plays rough with him.  I guess boys will be boys!  Maybe I will have a little girl to balance out all of the testosterone around me (:


  1. Girls like that rough stuff too so be careful what you ask for !!!

  2. Awww, Wyatt is so cute! He sure loves his daddy.

    Daddy played like that with us when we were little. Annie liked it, but I didn't really enter into the spirit of it. So you never know what kind of a girl you might get...

  3. SG loves rough play. I am usually the one spinning and tossing her around. Aaron gives her shoulder rides, but I'm the one who races around with her. She loves it when I run behind her cozy coupe and let her drift around corners. She is definitely my child!

  4. Jill, you have a great point! I don't know what kind of girl I might get if I do get to have one!
    Aunt Tricia, that would be fine with me if she is rough. I'll then just toss both kids to Daniel to play with!
