Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The chipmunk who lives in our garage

We have had a chipmunk living in our garage ever since we moved in our little house three and a half years ago.  He only comes out of the garage when we are inside and he usually likes to play under the car if he isn't in the garage.  I only can recall one time where I walked into the garage and I noticed the chipmunk was a couple of feet from me.  The confrontation only lasted just seconds before the chipmunk quickly made a mad dash under the car. Usually we name our little creatures that live around the house, but we haven't given him one yet.  We had a squirrel named Eddie and a rabbit named Bunny.  We haven't seen those two since the hurricane.  The other day I saw a black cat in the front yard, but I haven't seen him since.  I don't care for cats so I am glad he hasn't called our house his home yet.
I have two windows over the sink that face the garage opening so I usually spot the chipmunk when I'm doing dishes.  Since we don't have a dish washer I see the chipmunk quite often.   I feel like I do the dishes all day long!  I told Daniel the other day that not only am I excited we are getting closer to purchasing a home, but I really can't wait to have a dish washer!!!  Before I had Wyatt I never complained much about doing the dishes, but now it's very difficult doing chores with a one year old, especially when the majority of my free time is doing dishes!  Atleast I will appreciate a dish washer whenever I have one ( :

Sorry for the off subject dish complaining!  Most people don't even have a sink and water to wash their dishes.  I think I should rename this post!

Back to the is a picture of our little chipmunk. 

You can barely see him.  I took this picture of him through our window above the sink.  He is on the edge of the concrete.  He likes this spot the most ( :  He looks like he could be our guard dog!

1 comment:

  1. He is pretty cute. Has Wyatt noticed him yet? The only chipmunks we see close to our house are dead ones... thanks to the mighty hunter, Spunkabitty.
