We are in the process of weaning Wyatt from the bottle since last week and so far everything is smooth sailing! He used to have four bottles throughout the day and now we are down to one just in the mornings. I gave him a couple of days in between dropping each bottle, but he probably could do it in a day since he could care less about them (I know that I am lucky because I was afraid of Wyatt fussing so much!). I plan on knocking this last one out by next week.
He doesn't care too much for whole milk though, so I still mix half milk and half formula and slowly decreasing formula and adding more milk. He drinks his milk at meals in his straw cup. He actually drinks more from a straw than a sippy cup and plus it's much better for their teeth than the sippy. I do worry about dropping the last bottle because he doesn't drink nearly as much milk in the cup than with bottles. But at this age they only need atleast three servings of dairy, whether it's from cheese, yogurt, milk, broccoli, OJ with calcium,etc. I just have to make sure he gets his daily dairy more so from foods than drink.
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