Sunday, January 23, 2011

Morning sickness, cravings, tiredness, oh my!

The pregnancy symptoms (sickness, cravings and tiredness) decided to officially show up as of yesterday.  I think I am almost 6 weeks right now.  Last week I had some blood work done at the doctor's office and the results were that I was at 5 weeks pregnant.  I had the same exact symptoms during Wyatt's pregnancy that started exactly at this time.  I have a slight bit of morning sickness, but the worst is at night right before bed time (This was the same for Wyatt).  I'm not a fan of taking medication while being pregnant, but if my queasiness progresses I may consider getting so Zophran from the doc.  Even when I was pregnant with Wyatt and my sickness had me laid up on the couch for 6 weeks I refused to fill the script the doctor handed me.  I know the medication has been tested and it is safe, but their is still some fear that I will be one of the 1% that something happens to my baby.  I have Wyatt to care for and that makes a big difference feeling nauseated.  But so far I am not at the point of begging for some medication to make me feel better, but we shall see.
I am very tired all the time, but I able to push through this no problem (so far!) throughout the day.  Luckily, Wyatt still takes two naps and I try to take advantage of atleast one of them to take a nap for myself.  Lately I want to go to bed at 8:30.  Wyatt usually gets up around 6:30 or 7 and so far I don't mind waking up at that time too.  I have always been more of a morning person, pregnant or not.  I love to get a great nights sleep and wake up early to start the day.  I hate to stay up late at night, especially since having Wyatt!
I also notice that I have this strange craving for healthy food.  When I was pregnant for Wyatt I wanted nothing but burgers, fried food, just junk food in general and also sweets.  Now I want steamed vegetables mixed with pasta, salads, or even sushi.  I don't know why but I want sushi!  I don't want the raw kind, but the crunchy and California kind.  I may have to pick up some tonight since talking about it makes me want some!

1 comment:

  1. Reading your blog is like reading my own mind. I am having awful all-day morning sickness and tiredness, but I hate taking medicine while pregnant too. I have been having some WEIRD food cravings and aversions too, very in-the-moment stuff like, "I can't bear to eat this rotisserie chicken I just bought at the store for dinner. All I want is a tortilla with some cheese and green onions on it!" I'm sorry you're feeling sick, but at least the worst is right before bed, so Wyatt is down for the night. I am blessed that Gabriel takes two naps a day still as well. Also I'm blessed because my husband lets me sleep in and nap as much as I want on weekends. And he goes out and gets me milkshakes and just doesn't tell me how he pays for them :), since we are totally blown through our eating out budget this month already, as well as groceries! I will pray for you and for all morning-sick mothers every time I think of you. We Catholics have some beautiful teachings on redemptive suffering that I need to look into a bit more...
